About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

life safari 12-2-08

This is the day of Jack's cancer scan - I pray that it will be clear. Jack almost died from his radiation treatments. He's been in remission. This is an important day for him.

I just have to share with you an article online in the news that affected me. The article was titled:

"Deer gets revenge after hunter shoots him"

Now, I am not advocating that all hunting is a terrible thing. I do, however, think that many "hunters" have unfair advantage over their prey and kill. It just does my heart good to know that, once in awhile, the animals get to exact a measure of come-up'ance while they are being - well, killed.

It seems the deer was shot, went down and looked very dead. However, the deer was not dead, jumped up and poked his beautiful rack into the hunter's head and ran off. Unfortunately and predictably so, the hunter pursued his victim but the deer required two more shots to the body to kill it. Now, I call that 1) a shame and 2) a breath of fresh air for the hunted
Wow, these "canned hunts" on big cats could use some news like this. Perhaps hunting would get back to a level playing field for all hunted animals (?) Naw, probably not. Shame.

Today, I am Grateful and Thankful for/that...

it is another cold morning. What a nice change from our very HOT summer
for advance notice for a very late M/S meeting tonight
I am sorely aware that my sedentary lifestyle and over-eating is adversely affecting my health
awareness is great but, I have got to act on this issue before I pass the damage done - too late mark
that Lucie has hung in there with all her health issues like a champ ! This very sweet Golden Retriever has fought for her life and her owner/mother, Trish and many friends have been willing this little Spirit dog to rally for as long as she can with out suffering - I'm thinking about you today, Lucie
I'm tremendously Grateful for my sweet Precious
to hear the birds fussing outside my window
my Internet is up and running again. Seems I get confused and can not remember all my passwords - for all my different programs
my memory is beginning to fail me more and more often
God's mercy and Grace
thank YOU


Scott W said...

Nice to see you today!

I keep a list of passwords, printed on paper. I do not keep them in the computer just in case.

dAAve said...

Some time ago, I created a file of all my passwords and User ID's. It is immensely helpful.