Well, too bad that the fanatic and highly ill mikey is back on the scene.
I have reported his discremenitory and lewd blogs to the powers that be of blogs and internet.
He is actually being watched and monitored now, so, he may be off the line very soon - Praise God.
For this, I am very Grateful and Thankful.
Also, just found out that a friend from the past was found deceased a week or so ago.
So sorry my friend ! Her passing has been very hard on one of my other friends and I hold both in my heart and prayers.
I am most Grateful and Thankful for/that...
I am alive and well today
Precious is too
I am thinking ahead about my own arrangements for my day of passing
I finally got someone at the funeral home to get off of high-center and look into my inquiry
this beautiful weather-wow, it makes being alive so rich and refreshing
for the home I have and the beauty of the atrium area - such as it is
I say this because a friend has a much prettier setup at her home and I tend to wish that is what I have - rather, I am Blessed to have what I have and appreciate it
Thank YOU God for the Blessings of my home and set-up
I sometimes want what I do not have and forget that I have something other's wish they had
I am Blessed to have anything - what I have is very special to me at this very moment
today, I am going to hang onto this feeling of Gratitude for the Blessings I have right here, right now
Thanks Be to God