What a nice day and evening this is.
The weather today was as perfect as it can be for this time of year here in H-Town.
A friend from my recent past called and we got together today after church. We laughed and talked and had a wonderful time. I have not laughed that much or that loud in a very long time !
She has recently remodeled her home. She did the work herself and it is absolutely beautiful ! Mary is her name and she rewired her home, laid new floors, laid new tile and many other things. It is a nice thing to know that if you have the will, are willing to read books and get in and TRY (yes, she was stumped a time or two), one can get it done and save that money to hire it out.
She has a beautiful back yard. Her home backs up to a cooling lake from a sugar mill off of Oyster Creek. Her landscaping, gardens and laid stone walkways she also put in herself.
To top all this off - she shed 65 pounds in the process !
So, I have a good example of a woman who tried, did and I can give it a shot too. She has lit a fire under me. And, I have neighbors who will gladly give me a hand if I need help.
So, in the near future I will get this flooring up and start with that task. I will probably hire a couple of men who are eagar for work that wait outside Home Depot. I'm certain they will be more than happy to earn some wages and I can spare having my back and sciatic nerve irritated.
I am Grateful and Thankful...
for the Grace of God
for Precious - my sweet, loving cat
that Mary called, I responded and we are renewing our friendship after many years
for her openness to accompany me to a 80's Punk Rock concert next Saturday night
the affection that Lucy (a fine Golden Retriever) bestowed on me when I went to my haircutter's salon for my haircuts. Lucy is gravely ill with kidney disease. She is a loving, and very loved girl !
that I am at such peace at this moment. Laughter is indeed the best medicine
I intend to do more of that and a lot of it !
I feel so good I may even get up on the dance floor Saturday night and bounce around (dance)
Thank YOU
Trish, Lucy, Rosie - you are all in my heart and prayers !
I love you and I am sad