About Me

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Friday, October 5, 2007

life safari #105

OOOOOHHHHH, Catechism class was awesome last night (earlier) !!!!!
I felt as though I was in a college course. Rose, our instructor, has several degrees on the subject of teaching Religion. I can hardly wait until next week.

I am Grateful and Thankful...

God's Gift of Faith
my safari of Faith has been 10 years in the making (almost to the month)
it is my Blessing to have Frank as my Sponsor in RCIA - He's wonderful
God's Grace
Precious - Oct. 4th was St Francis of Assisi's Feast Day - be kind to your web-footed friend, for a duck may be somebody's brother (remember Mitch Miller?) Come on, sing it...
I am full of energy although I haven't slept. I could not shut off my mind then I got busy doing this and that and, well, here it is morning
I will walk to the mail box that is 1/4 of a mile from the house when I get back from my Therapists office this morning
I am working on my Sloth and Gluttony (taking positive steps to alleviate)
I am extremely Grateful and Thankful to be: Sober, Clean and Smoke-Free again today
thank YOU

Thursday, October 4, 2007

life safari #104

Got my teeth cleaned this morning. Must wait 15 more minutes to drink coffee or eat (fluoride treatment).
What a pretty morning it is.

I am Grateful and Thankful for/that...
I am alive and well today
haven't had a cigarette, drink or illicit drug in some time now
was no need to complain about the taste of the fluoride this morning-I'm fortunate to get it
a good night's sleep
I do not feel ill as I have the past few days
the knowledge that, someone I thought was so outrageous has pretty good reason to be
I am free to enjoy the next 12 hours and, enjoy them , I will
It's almost time for my cup of coffee
God's Grace
thank YOU

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

life safari #103 1/2

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life safari #103

"Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Though power is easily abused, it is impossible to abuse genuine humility.
...Lord Acton 19th century historian

Tonight, I am Grateful and Thankful...

I physically felt better today - had some physical challenges Monday and Tuesday
Mike's sister had a little boy today
my mood, demeanor, attitude and energy were good today
for the enjoyable climate in the mornings and late afternoons right now
for sunshine but, we need some rain now
I'm off tomorrow - RCIA tomorrow night
that I feel like doing something on ARTRAGE again
it's Friendship Week
for the things I have that make my life pleasant. I would, if necessary, trade them all in for Precious
That I went to the SPCA at that moment on that day
the rest is history
God's Grace
being with my AA family this afternoon
thank YOU

Monday, October 1, 2007

life safari #102

Had a wonderful weekend except for screwing up plans with Mike. After looking forward to being with him Sunday, we unfortunately missed each other. Had I not forgotten my phone, this fiasco would have been eliminated.

I am Grateful and Thankful..

that Frank was good enough to run around town with me Saturday
He accompanied me Sunday morning - I was delighted he came to join me. Mike came as well - see above. I'm so sorry Mike ! Please, let's do it again.
that mike is understanding and he had brought his friend so was not there alone
I look forward to making those plans again and taking my phone
that today is the first day of October and it's getting time for fall weather
I have a new commitment to change some habits that are defeating my happiness and progress
that the headache I woke up with is lessening
the Hummingbirds are still about. I have not seen them for sometime and thought they had left the area
God's Grace