About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

life safari 09-30-08

Good morning. This is the exact type of weather we, in Houston, celebrate after our harsh summers. The down side is the alergens that come along with it. They are affecting me this year.

I am not sorry to see this month draw to an end. It has been a hard month. I have worked many hours on the job, put long hours in the yard after Ike this past weekend. That large Ash tree in my front yard gives much shade and draws the birds that I love to feed and watch. But, when these trees shed their seed pods, it is a major mess to keep the cement swept until winter.

I pulled up several plants that Ike caused to look ragged and twisted. I am already planning what I will plant in the Spring.

I am Grateful and Thankful...

for God's Grace

for Precious - God's gift of love and laughter I get from her (and those beautiful emerald eyes)

that the proposal for buyout was killed - there has to be a different and better plan

thank YOU

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