About Me

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

life safari #140


today, I am Grateful and Thankful...

to Lee, my Sponsee. He is teaching me things that I thought I already had learned. I'm seeing them all from a different perspective
that we will begin reading the first 164 pages in the B.Book and begin working Step 1 tomorrow
for the season of Thanksgiving and Family
that, I view the seasons with different eyes and thoughts today
to be sober, clean and smoke-free another day
for my AA Family
Precious in my life. "God made cats so that man could pet a Tiger."
God's Grace
thank YOU


dAAve said...

"that, I view the seasons with different eyes and thoughts today"

hmmmmm, interesting

Scott W said...

Bless you this day of thanksgiving.