About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

life safari #49

Today I am Grateful and Thankful...

It's a day closer to Friday and payday. The weekend is just around the corner.
that I didn't receive a phone call in the night regarding a "missing car"
It's an overcast day so not too hot (so far)
I am Blessed with another day to live
that I am sober and clean this morning
God's Grace
in a very short time I embark on my Catechism classes
for Thursdays off for the above and fellowship with my AA/Catechism Sponsor that day
I look forward to our "journey" together - thank you Frank
the "Bee Charmer" just called, he's on his way
I hope that the charmer and the bees will get through this safely and in good health
Precious and her devotion, love and nurturing
Thank YOU

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