About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

life safari #47

Good morning !

The last day of July. Now, the real telling of what this summer is to be.

I am Grateful and Thankful for/that...

My friends are taking their health seriously and getting checked out
both quit smoking and are very happy and content without a cigarette - that helps me give it up
that I can breathe because I am not smoking now - And yes, I feel much better !
that chapter is over for me - I am Grateful and Thankful to be sober, clean and smoke-free today !
I am trying to stay still and quiet at work. Sometimes it is just too busy and crazy there. I do not need to add to it
I did not wake up with a headache this morning. Yes, dAAve, I'm sure the smoking played a major role there - thanks for the reminder
I am thinking of dAAve and sending positive energy his way right now - it will be over soon
that MC and Gwen are visiting more often. Thank you both. And, welcome !
thank YOU


dAAve said...

Thanks for the positive energy. It seems to have worked. LOL

Scott W said...

I am worn out today, but sober.