About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

life safari #48 1/2

Good evening. I scanned some negatives into the computer this evening. I enjoy that sort of activity.

The low side of this evening: I may have let a car reposessor into our garage to repo a client's car. I am just waiting for the shoe to drop. The whole scenario of that happening was bizarre.
An exercise in "how to play Security Guard" when anything akin to that comes up again.
I feel like a chump !!

The high side of the day was that I have a "bee charmer" coming to move this bee hive I have in the cable box in the morning. I hope the bees will be taken alive and well. These people who are coming have hives. Most should get out alive and live happy, productive bee lives.

I give my self an "F" for the repo ordeal and an "A" for trying to save the bees. Averages out to a "C" for the day.

I tell you, my life is never dull !


Scott W said...

Average is good.

dAAve said...

Sounds like an average day.