About Me

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
I am a native Houstonian. I have never lived elsewhere. I have had the opportunity to travel over the years. I am a recovering alcoholic. I have one cat who is indoor only.I love coffee very hot, popcorn, sweets, the sound of hummingbirds in flight, the songs of Mockingbirds, chirp of the Cardinals,butterflies, puppy breath, horse breath, the feel and sound of a cat purring (especially mine).

Friday, September 12, 2008

life safari 09-12-08

Ike Friday.

Well, Precious and I will just be laying around the house today. There is a skeleton crew at our building for a few of our "AllBidness" clients and a small crew for keeping our building and them in good condition through the storms.

My cell phone battery happened to die on me last night. I sit here this morning wondering if anything is opened today. I would like to deposit my pay check and buy a batter for the phone. I guess I'll venture out toward the bank and just see if they are opened a half day today.

I am now working a shift of 8:00 am to 5:oo pm with one hour for lunch. And, NO MS LATE NIGHTS ANY MORE!!!!!!! Yeah.

I was saddened by the fact that Ike got all attention and no mention of the terror of 9-11-01 was made. The hurricane isn't even here yet. I have grown weary of all this coverage of these storms. When they develop, every foot they move is all over the news now. It has gotten to be over-kill any more.

I am Grateful and Thankful...

that I do not live on the gulf beach
Precious and I have each other to huddle with when Ike comes in
that I have a day of rest today after all those crazy double shifts and new schedule BUT, it is cutting out much of my over-time that I lost so much sleep to earn
that my AA friends and family are all doing well
to be able to shelter in my home and not a shelter
God's Grace
coffee and soup to eat, cooked on my Coleman stove. My camp toilet if I need it and a hurricane lamp. Batteries. Battery powered tv amd radio - awesome. Precious and I are ready !

Love you all. Stay safe and, you are in my prayers and thoughts. Love you, me
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

life safari 09/11/08

When the wind gets heavy, be sure and cover up and stay away from windows !

So much to reflect on today. The horror of the attack on our nation and the devastation to lives from such unthinkable destruction.
God Bless America !
I remember the feeling of "this can not be happening" when I first heard parts of the report on the radio. After tuning in on the television and realizing that this was actually happening, my first response was to get to the noon meeting at Lambda. The room that day was filled to capacity with others who could think of no other place they would rather be to process the horror of what was going on. We had a member who did not know whether her mother was safe - she worked at the Pentagon.

I hold these memories and feelings today. I truly hope and pray that as Americans we never have to try and wrap our minds around something so "unreal" and horrifying again. God help those that are foolish enough to try !

Everyone stay as safe as possible. I pray we will all be safe when Ike passes through.

I am Grateful and Thankful...

that we are not living through the original date of 09/11/2001 today
God's Grace
safety of my home from the elements
friends and loved ones
thank YOU
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a day I had today. What a day I am going to have later this morning ! I have not been to sleep or even to bed. So, these two days are merging into one long and tiring event.

Because I have had limited sleep the past week, my nerves and feelings are very close to the surface. At the end of my shift, someone caused my anger to get, and keep me irritated to the point that I am still awake. This is going to be a very long day because of my lack of rest.

There is a point of "no return" for me. If I stay awake to a certain time then sleep, all the alarms in the world will not get me up. I passed that point some time ago. Now I just have to struggle through my day tomorrow (later) and keep my eyes open.

I was able to write my boss the things that I need to get out of my head that are upsetting me at work. Now, I can, and have relaxed about them and feel relief. Nothing will change, of course. I know this because the same issues I have had in this garage are still issues today (after 2 1/2 years). Until people have consequences for their actions, nothing changes. And, although there are policies in regards to the garage, building management does not support our efforts to enforce those policies. Therefore, people treat us with disdain and blow us off.

I am Grateful for...

coffee. HOT coffee. Hot coffee with honey and milk, yeah
Precious who sleeps and wakes up and sits with me. Supports and loves me, awesome cat
Duffy and "Mercie"

I am Thankful for...

if I don't quit or get fired, after tomorrow I will work 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with one hour for lunch, SWEET

God's unwarranted LOVE and GRACE

Sunday, September 7, 2008

life safari 09-07-08

Sunday is almost over and a new work week begins. I have been working both shifts at my job because my co-worker quit without notice. This is the third occasion that I have had to cover both shifts in 2 1/2 years (daily, I mean).

I have listened to interviews of the candidates for President of the U.S.A. and neither tells HOW they intend (Specifics here, please) to get the cart and ox out of the ditch ! Talk is cheap guys and gals.

Now it looks like the tax payers have to bail out the auto industry and mortgage industry. We will not have a budget to balance very soon.

Obama stamers and says "uuh, uuh, uuh FAR TO MUCH FOR MY EARS. Spit it out !

I know John McCain was a POW. I know he was put through torture that we can not imagine.

I am a HOTHEAD. Hotheads DO NOT make good managers or Presidents. But, neither do people who want to talk to get problems ironed out. First, we're dealing with people who absolutely hate us and everthing we (Americans) stand for. Most are not God fearing Christians. Most probably lie and will tell us what they think will get us off their backs and do whatever they are already doing in secret.

I have seen nothing yet that attracts my vote. Palin is an interesting choice, for sure. I like her. She can probably do a better than decent job in Washington but, I don't like her willingness to forfeit the Alaskan Tundra to drilling. Those who have been to Alaska all agree that, that great state IS the last United States pristine wilderness. And I wish it to stay that way !

Biden is about the only one in this frey that I wait to hear more from at this point. Palin had not been announced when he took his turn at their convention.

I am getting fed up with paying the bill for all these private and government agencies that are going under. We can not, on any level of government, keep heading the way we are and have been.

Look at Houston. Our roads and streets are in horrible shape. Our drainage is deplorable. We have too many people on the corners of every intersection needing help. Yardmen blow all the yard clippings into the center of the streets and leave it to go into sewers or back to the curbs(not to mention the eyesore it creates) - who cares?

I am Grateful that televisions have "on" and "off" buttons
I am Grateful for God's Loving Grace
I am Grateful for Precious and her precious cat ways
I am Grateful to be an American where I can say what I think
I am angry and I'm not going to take it anymore !